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About Us

Nascent Semiconductor is a research intensive business, furnishing customers with specialist electronic devices to solve diverse extreme environment engineering problems. We are a spin-out from Durham University, which has been providing research projects on a case-by-case basis to large customers. The significant customer demand for these services and for commercial devices led Durham University to identify the need for a spin-out company able to serve this demand.

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Prof. Alton Horsfall

Founder & CTO

Alton is a leading expert in the development of electronic and electrical systems for deployment in extreme environments. He holds a BSc and PhD in Physics from Durham University, experience working for the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency in the Future Concepts team has also worked at Newcastle University, where was promoted to the post of Reader in Semiconductor Technology. He was awarded a Senior Research Fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2017. He is currently a professor at Durham University. His work has been supported through collaborations with a range of companies, including Rolls Royce, Raytheon, BAE Systems and MBDA, as well as a range of SMEs. 


He founded Nascent Semiconductor to provide a commercialisation route to his twenty year portfolio of semiconductor know-how and technology.





Carter House, Pelaw Leases Lane, County Durham,







Nascent Semiconductor Limited

Carter House, Pelaw Leases Ln, Durham, DH1 1TB

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